Monday, March 12, 2012

High School Career Works

First pastel still life piece.

This is a photo of Lady Gaga I found online, I'm not well at drawing people so I made it a challenge for myself to draw this.  Simple pencil and paper.

I asked for requests as to what to draw, people sure have creative minds!  A young man asked me to draw a skull with the confederate flag behind it, and this is what I came up with.

A poor excuse for watercolor, to be honest.  I was just playing around with it.

For my love of horses, I painted this using water colors.  Learning that watercolors are definitely not my strong point of all mediums.

Next to the other horse painting using watercolors, I like this one better.  Still not a huge fan of it, but it was a nice try.

Quick sketch of a foal, simple pencil and paper.
I love Kurt Cobain, but as shown in this Charcoal and Chalk, I am nothing good at drawing people.  This was quite a big project, so I did get tired of working on it after a while.  But I still admire it.

I love drawing anything creepy and weird, so using mechanical pencil I drew this.  An idea given by a close friend of mine.

A doodle of an angel using pencil.  I can't stress enough how not experienced I am at drawing people, especially faces.

Self explanatory, a falling doll.  I aimed to make it creepy in a sense, but I think if I took the time to make dramatic shading it would have looked better.

My first hand at creating a dragon.  I used this drawing to make my first ever painting, which I am very proud of.

I was asked to make a piece for my cousin, so unsure of what he likes I figured he would like a picture of one of the Transformers: Optimus Prime.  No lie, I actually love this drawing.  Just use of colored pencils and drawing paper.

A drawing of the well known Elmo for my other cousin.

Not well at using colored pencils, I drew this horse for yet again my other cousin.

Skull, using pencil and paper.

I have yet to perfect this picture, I just think it's creepy and like it but I want the creepy effect to stand out way more.  Pencil and paper.

Doodle of a broken, sewn together heart.  Pencil and paper.

One of my favorite horse drawings, ever.  Pencil and paper.
My first charcoal and chalk work.  Showing my love for Kurt Cobain and made in memory of him.

I love lips, they say so much even when they are not moving.  Pencil and paper doodle.

Requested drawing of penguins from an acquaintance.  Not well drawn, but used pencil and paper.

My first real colored pencil assignment.  I got really annoyed working on it after a while.

I love roses, just another creative way to draw them.  Used pastels.

Another try at a creepy photo.  Seeing it now, I wish I could have done things a little differently to make it look ever so slightly better, at least to me.  I still love it though.  Pencil and paper.

Another request from a young man, to draw something with a snake and hand.  He wanted something with chains in it as well but I really don't have patience for chains.  Just pencil and paper.

My love for horses meets side walk chalk.

A tattoo sketch I doodled up, using tribal and the cancer zodiac symbol.  (Not 69, you perverts)

A requested drawing of unicorn and butterflies.  One of my other favorite drawings.  Pencil and paper.

One of my favorite paintings.  A ying-yang symbol using the contrast of warm and cold colors.
This is an original sketch for a painting I was assigned to do, but I did NOT like how it looked after I painted it.  It was a poor assignment and probably a poor choice on my part, as well as a poor choice of colors used.  But I love the drawing, unpainted in all it's glory.
All of these pieces are works that I've created over my High School career.  There are some in my previous posts that I have made then too.  I simply do not have the time to post and write details about each of them.  All in all I have had much fun drawing or painting each of these, even if I did not get along with my previous art teacher.  I could not give a specific date as to when any were made, neither are they in a specific order of any sort.  If you do see one and have questions for, don't hesitate to email me!

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